What Causes Rosacea And How Can I Treat It?

One common issue, Rosacea, affects millions of Americans by showing up as redness, or even red bumps or pimples, most frequently on the cheeks and nose. Depending on the severity of the Rosacea, it may also show up as red, dry or irritated, and swollen eyes.  

Despite how common Rosacea is, scientists and doctors alike have still been unable to determine the exact cause. Some research has leaned more towards hereditary and genetic predispositions. Other research seems to show environmental factors, auto-immune diseases, or even a response to bacteria found on Demotex mites, as potential causes. Currently, research is showing that most reported cases of Rosacea occur in adults 25 and older. 

Regardless of the cause, certain things are known to cause or trigger flare-ups. Some of the most common include hot or cold temperatures, alcohol consumption, spicy foods, sun exposure, stress, and certain blood-pressure medications. Although it can be uncomfortable and feel unsightly, it is not a condition that can be spread from one person to another. 

Although the cause may be unknown, there are treatment options to curb the appearance and symptoms of Rosacea. During a consultation and evaluation, Dr. Fitzgerald will work with you to see what can be done to prevent flare-ups. Additionally, depending on the severity, you may also be prescribed antibiotic creams or lotions, or oral medication specific to the treatment of Rosacea, to help with the suppression of symptoms. If the redness and physical appearance of Rosacea does not subside, skin lasers such as Vbeam may be used to reduce the redness by shrinking visible blood vessels. Since Rosacea is a specific medical diagnosis, most topical and oral treatments will be covered by insurance. This includes gels, lotions, creams, antibiotics, and beta-blockers.

Rosacea is such a distressing condition, that there is a national association specific for Rosacea education. Visit the National Rosacea Society https://www.rosacea.org