It’s really quite simple. BOTOX® utilizes a natural, purified protein that is administered at very low doses to reduce the contractions of winkle-causing muscles. Most typically these are the muscles on your forehead and the little corrugator muscles between your eyebrows. These muscles get in the habit of staying contracted and are the ones that can cause you to look perpetually worried or angry.
Beyond the Frown – BOTOX® Can Make Many Changes
BOTOX® Cosmetic is also a great wrinkle minimizer for crow’s feet and, if you have them, those little crinkly bunny lines on your nose. Another common use is for relaxing the platysma muscles in your neck to soften the vertical bands that start showing up as you get a little older.
While the results are dramatic, you don’t have to radically change your facial appearance. The muscles are simply relaxed, so you can still frown, smile, or look surprised without the wrinkles and creases.
Dr Fitzgerald’s philosophy is to produce a natural result. The key is to make sure your muscles don’t get too relaxed. Different muscles can pull down or allow lift. It’s critical to “get it right”!
Dr. Fitzgerald advises opting for a moderate effect so you retain a natural ability to show emotions through facial movements. We’ve all seen the “frozen face” on someone who’s been overdone. With Dr. Fitzgerald’s long experience and expert touch, you’ll never have to worry about looking unnatural. It’s better to come in for a little touch-up to boost the effect rather than wait out the results from a heavy-handed injection.
BOTOX® Cosmetic procedures are quick with no anesthesia required. Injections are administered with an ultra-fine needle directly into the area being treated. Discomfort is minimal and brief, and once complete, there is usually no discomfort.
If you’re like most patients, you’ll return directly to work or normal activity immediately. We’ll use a cold balloon to apply to your injected area to help soothe. Most people are very surprised the first time to see just how quickly and comfortably BOTOX® Cosmetic can be injected.
If you’ve had BOTOX® in the past at another office and had any unexpected side effects, please let us know so Dr. Fitzgerald can make the necessary adjustments to your dosage and/or injection placement.
Botox Cosmetic FAQs and Safety Information
FDA-approved to temporarily make moderate to severe frown lines, crow’s feet and forehead lines look better in adults. Other areas are considered “off-label” and used at the physician’s discretion.
Effects of BOTOX® Cosmetic appear within a few days and generally last from four to six months. BOTOX® is so simple, it’s very often injected at the same time as wrinkle fillers such as Restylane, Radiesse and Juvederm.
And did you know? By using BOTOX® Cosmetic along with your wrinkle fillers, they’ll both last longer. In addition, carefully selected use of small amounts of Botox in the lower face slow aging in this area.
Dr. Fitzgerald has extensive experience in providing facial injections. Her position as a National Educator for Allergan is additionally augmented by her selection as one of Galderma’s Master Training Physicians for Sculptra facial volumizing. She has treated thousands of patients and has thousands of hours of experience perfecting this specialized injection placement to correct facial volume loss and facial asymmetries.
Precise placement technique with a woman’s deft touch means you get the best and longest lasting results from your BOTOX® Cosmetic, dermal wrinkle filler and volume replacement treatments.
P.S. Beware the Bargain Botox – Your face and your health are not things you want to risk for the sake of a few dollars. Stories abound of bogus BOTOX® offered at impossibly low prices. The old adage, “It if sounds too good to be true…” is a good one to pay attention to.
Learn more about BOTOX® Cosmetic treatment at our Los Angeles office by calling 323-464-8046 or completing the form on this page. Dr. Fitzgerald welcomes patients in and around Beverly Hills, Larchmont, and other surrounding communities.