PICO Genesis is a gentle and effective laser treatment for your skin. If you are unhappy with an uneven, hyperpigmented complexion, then this option may be right for you. PICO Genesis is ideal for reducing or eliminating:
This device works a little differently than traditional, high-intensity, heat-producing lasers. PICO uses very short pulses of dual wavelength laser energy to disrupt the pigmentation causing the above cosmetic flaws. The non-thermal energy destroys the targeted pigment without damaging the surrounding skin. It can be customized to target very specific areas of hyperpigmentation, which we call the point and shoot technique, or it can be used more broadly, swept across the face to reduce widespread discoloration.
While a high-intensity thermal laser treatment certainly has its benefits and is a good option for certain circumstances, one of the benefits of the PICO laser is decreased downtime compared to high-intensity lasers. The short pulses of light cause very little swelling and redness. Some degree of skin flaking is normal after the treatment, but most people don’t take any downtime at all. In this way, PICO is a great option if you want to refresh your complexion without an arduous time commitment.
You will need multiple sessions to get the desired results, but the number of sessions tends to be far fewer than with other types of laser treatments. Dr. Fitzgerald or a member of our laser team will determine how many treatments are needed to improve your skin. Most people schedule between 1-5 sessions, spaced 2 weeks apart. Oftentimes, our patients notice a difference after their first appointment! It could take longer to see your results, especially if you are treating melasma.
Dr. Rebecca Fitzgerald is an experienced, board-certified dermatologist serving the Los Angeles area. She is proud to offer PICO Genesis, as well as many other treatments, to people who want a more even skin tone and less hyperpigmentation. To arrange a consultation with Dr. Fitzgerald, please call our team at 323-464-8046.