
The Fresh Start of Chemical Peels


Don’t you love the sense of renewal and possibility that comes at the beginning of each year? It’s as if we give ourselves a new chance to start fresh and do the things we know will benefit us.

But often, our new goals get a big reality check when our habits refuse to let go. An easy entry into taking some steps, even if they aren’t big, has to do with your skin.

Getting into good skin care habits is like anything else. Formulate a plan, get a nice jump start with some professional assistance, and stay with it. You can easily pick out the people who have made their appearance a priority.

And it’s not just the big ticket items that make all the difference. Surprisingly simple actions create some surprisingly big – and beautiful – reactions. Get the fresh start of chemical peels with the help of our team.

Start Your New Year with Newly Pretty Skin

We all like to look good, and really, it usually doesn’t take all that much to see some nice results. So even if you abandoned the bulk of your New Year’s resolutions by the second week of January, we’ve got the perfect suggestion for a simple, fresh start with your skin – chemical peels.

Yes, you read it right. If you thought chemical peels were “old school,” that’s only because they’ve been out of the limelight in the media. But chemical peels can be a girl’s (or guy’s) best friend. Or at least a really good friend.

Take Advantage of Old Man Winter

Winter is the ideal time to treat yourself to a skin-reviving chemical peel because you’ll likely be getting as little sun exposure as you will all year (which is vital to maintaining your results). When your skin is not trying to combat heat and sun, it can change up very quickly and far more easily.

Why We Think You Should Think About Chemical Peels

There is a reason we suggest peels to patients as often as we do. They are far-reaching in what they can accomplish for your complexion and can be tailored to meet the needs of every skin type. Chemical peels remove damaged outer layers of skin, not only on the face but also on the neck, chest, and hands – even arms and legs.

It’s sort of amazing what they can achieve – smoother texture and brighter tone, reduced lines, wrinkles and appearance of pore size, even removal of blemishes, scars, and pre-cancerous growths (those really unattractive brown rough spots we tend to get in sunny climates).

Start with Your Face and Work Your Way Down

Chemical peels work all over. By treating your hands, arms, neck, and chest the same as you do your face, you’ll achieve a far more cohesive look…and who doesn’t like a smooth and silky décolletage and spot-free hands?

Our “Fav”

A relatively new peel that we – and our patients – absolutely love is the Dermaceutics Spot Peel. It addresses pigmentation and other skin woes on sensitive skin with very little downtime – only about two days of peeling. The results are oooh-la-la. If two days of “action” don’t work with your schedule and zero peeling is your only possible option, we have those types of peels too.

For more stubborn complexion issues, treatment combinations can include the use of IPL (Intense Pulsed Light), Vbeam vascular laser, and Diolite laser to target specific resistant pigmentation and small broken vessels that chemical peels can’t remove.

Ethnic Skin? Don’t Be Afraid

Ethnic skin? Not to worry. We know what works on what kind of skin, so you’ll not have any surprises. Our patient base ranges from skins that are the lightest lights to the darkest darks, so we have plenty of expertise in picking the right treatment for your particular skin type and ethnic mix.

It doesn’t take much to get your face off to the right start for the new year with smoother, brighter, clearer skin. You (and your mirror) will appreciate that step in the right direction. Speak with experienced dermatologist Dr. Rebecca Fitzgerald today to find the best treatment option for your skin.